CLE Training: How to use Legal Analytics to understand the litigation behaviors of judges, courts, law firms, and parties on the issue of artificial intelligence in the Federal District Courts

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Join us on Thursday, October 26 at 1 PM EDT to learn how Legal Analytics can provide comprehensive and efficient insights into the litigation behaviors of different entity types (i.e. judges, courts, law firms, and parties) on the issue of artificial intelligence in the Federal District Courts. 


  • Understand how artificial intelligence is being defined from various respectable sources
  • Understand the ground-breaking cases on artificial intelligence (i.e. the cases creating legal precedent on the matter)
  • Understand legal analytics and how legal analytics differs from artificial intelligence
  • Understand how legal analytics provide insight into the litigation behaviors of judge courts, law firms, and parties on the issue of artificial intelligence in the Federal District Courts
  • Understand the ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence as it pertains to attorneys and consumers
  • Understand some of the current legal issues concerning the use of AI
To view the CLE flyer, click here

CLE programs are for 60 minutes of instruction. LexisNexis seeks credit based on the content, but type of credit allowed is determined by the state governing MCLE Board. Please note that approval of a course is at the discretion of each state bar

NOTE: If you are licensed in New York, this content is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced New York attorneys. Although, this content is appropriate for all New York attorneys, newly admitted attorneys cannot earn skills credit when presented via webinar or webcast.